Sunday, November 8, 2009

Wunderkammer Collections

Wunderkammer collections are often a mix of both found objects and handmade creations.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wunderkammer Cabinet Submission Guidelines


5 feet long, 5 feet wide, weight 600 pounds

140 drawers

Each individual drawer is 13 ¾”Length x 8” Width x ½” Height.

All drawers must be self contained. They must be able to close. The created art must fit into the drawers.

Drawer location will be randomly assigned to artists.

Place of Learning

A component of curiousity cabinets was a “place of learning” which usually was a table with microscopes, magnifying glasses and instruments used to examine the artifacts. Each drawer will be able to be removed from the cabinet and explored at the nearby table. Take into consideration the drawers will be fully interactive.



Submission sketch or written description: Friday January 15th, 2010 No Charge


Drawer Contents must arrive by March 15, 2010

Participation Fee $15


Thursday April 1st 6 – 9 pm April Fools Day



257 Broadview Avenue

Toronto, Ontario CANADA M4M 2G6

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Curiosity Cabinets contained the most rare, exotic and strange. They were filled with artifacts of mystery, magnificent specimens, handmade books, drawings and prints, exceptional examples of nature and science, investigations into the bizarre and unknown as well cultural items collected from far away lands.

Artists are needed to create the contents of a drawer of curiosities for our WUNDERKAMMER CABINET Exhibition.

For our Curiosity Cabinet we ask you to examine the world around you. Explore the unknown or undiscovered. . Use your investigative spirit. Make/create your own curiosities, specimens and books. Demonstrate your hidden knowledge. Display your artifact with a handmade book from your real or imagined travels abroad.

Each artist will create a handmade curiosity or collection that is self-contained within his or her drawer housed in an antique 140-drawer cabinet at KOZO Studio.

Please visit the WUNDERKAMMER BLOG for submission guidelines and information.